Modeling and system design
The objectives for Work package 5 are:
- To test different options of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) system design (e.g. injection/infiltration methods and recovery well patterns)
- To optimise operating conditions, taking into account the specific hydroclimatic conditions (e.g. monsoon-induced floods and droughts), including pumping rates, infiltration rates etc.
- To develop a decision support system for optimum design and operation of bank filtration schemes in India under varying hydrological, geological and hydrochemical conditions
- To anticipate the reaction of the subsoil system to waste-water related contaminant input (inorganic compounds like heavy metals, selected organic compounds) and optimising the operating conditions consequently
- To anticipate the system reaction to clogging and provide strategies for remediation
- To anticipate the reaction of the geochemical background parameters, specific for the Indian context, like fluoride and arsenic, to the input of river water or wastewaters
- To integrate and interpret data (testing of conceptual models)
- To develop robust modelling tools adapted to the specific requirements of different MAR options in the Indian context