< Saph Pani Project meeting at Anna University, Chennai, India
11 of February 2013 Age: 11 yrs

Two day training course on Managed Aquifer Recharge successfully accomplished

The two day training course on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR), which was announced in early October, was successfully completed on 11th and 12th December 2012. The training course was organised by Anna University in association with the National Institute of Hydrology. The inaugural session was attended by more than 150 people working on various sectors of water management.

Sixteen presentations were given by the following experts:

·         Dr. Gesche Grützmacher (KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin, Germany)

·         Prof. Ramaswamy Sakthivadivel (Anna University, India)

·         Dr. N. C. Ghosh (National Institute of Hydrology, India)

·         Dr. V. C. Goyal (National Institute of Hydrology, India)

·         Prof. Michael Schneider (Freie University, Germany)

·         Dr. Markus Starkl (Centre for Environmental Management and Decision Support, Austria)

·         Prof. Elango Lakshmanan (Anna University, India)

·         Mr. M. Thirunavukkarasu (SPT Consultancy Services, India)

·         Dr. D. Gnanasundar (Central Ground Water Board, India)

·         Prof. Thomas Wintgens (University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland)

·         Dr. Peter Dillon (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia)

·         Prof. Saroj Sharma (UNESCO IHE, Netherlands)

·         Dr. Declan Page (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia)

·         Dr. M. Mohanty (Science and Engineering Research Council Division, Ministry of Science and Technology, India)

·         Ms. S. Parimala Renganayaki (Anna University, India)

·         Dr. Christoph Sprenger (Freie University, Germany)

·         Mr. Bertram Monninkhoff (DHI Wasy, Germany)

·         Ms. Anna Zabel (DHI Wasy, Germany)


Thirty two participants including research fellows, faculty, young scientists and professionals working on groundwater management from all over India and from partner institutions in Germany and Switzerland attended the course. The participants were accredited with a certificate at the end of the course.

The impression of the participants about the course was reviewed by an online survey and was very positive. More than 70% of the participants were extremely satisfied with the course content.

for more pictures of the training course click here.