< Two day training course on Managed Aquifer Recharge successfully accomplished
26 of March 2013 Age: 11 yrs

Progress of establishing Research Station named “Water Prospect” and “Water Blessing” on IITB Campus

The construction of a pilot scale sewage treatment plants (Research Stations) based on constructed wetlands (CWs) are in progress at IIT Bombay campus. The treated efflux ent generated from various modules of CWs be subjected to the membrane processing units in the laboratory set-up and investigation of possibilities of combining CWs with advanced tertiary treatment unit will be undertaken - which is the main focus in the present research of IITB.

A large enough plot situated at the sewage sump of IITB community has been allotted for establishing one of the Research Stations. The allotted location for setting CW technology is excellent for reclamation of sewage as well as remediation of Lake.